
Lights4Violence' Manuals (English version)

Is already available the english version of Lights4Violence' Manuals. You can use them freely following the teaching guide and the instructions of "Manual for teachers", which will help you to use them correctly.

The file attached has a brief summary of each manual and its links.


Lights4Violence' Manuals (Spanish version)

Is already available the espanish version of Lights4Violence' Manuals. You can use them freely following the teaching guide and the instructions of "Manual for teachers", which will help you to use them correctly.

The file attached has a brief summary of each manual and its links

Lights4Violence' Manuals (Italian version)

Is already available the Italian version of Lights4Violence' Manuals. You can use them freely following the teaching guide and the instructions of "Manual for teachers", which will help you to use them correctly.

You can find them attached.

Lights4Violence' Manuals (Romanian version)

Is already available the Romanian version of Lights4Violence' Manuals. You can use them freely following the teaching guide and the instructions of "Manual for teachers", which will help you to use them correctly.

You can find them attached.

Lights4Violence' Manuals (Polish version)

Is already available the polish version of Lights4Violence' Manuals. You can use them freely following the teaching guide and the instructions of "Manual for teachers", which will help you to use them correctly.

The link attached has a file with all of manuals:


The Polish team presented in the scientific seminar grand ending international project the communication called: PROJEKT "LIGHTS4VIOLENCE” JAKO PRZYKŁAD MIĘDZYNARODOWEGO PROJEKTU EDUKACYJNEGO (THE "LIGHTS4VIOLENCE" PROJECT AS INTERNATIONAL EXAMPLE EDUCATIONAL PROJECT). It was presented by Sylwia Jaskulska. 




Lights4Violence: una experiencia innovadora de promoción de relaciones positivas de adolescentes en Europa

Last September 11, 12, 13 and 14th 2018, UA team presented a poster about the project in the XXXVI REUNION ANNUAL SEE. XIII CONGRESO APE. XVII CONGRESO SESPAS in Lisboa. It was presented by Carmen Vives, called: Lights4Violence: una experiencia innovadora de promoción de relaciones positivas de adolescentes en Europa.

Efectividad de los programas de prevención de la violencia de pareja en jóvenes y adolescentes.

Last September 11, 12, 13 and 14th 2018, UA team presented a poster about the project in the XXXVI REUNION ANNUAL SEE. XIII CONGRESO APE. XVII CONGRESO SESPAS in Lisboa. It was presented by Vanesa Pérez, called: Efectividad de los programas de prevención de la violencia de pareja en jóvenes y adolescentes.